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As a Drama Consultant I have worked with Corporate and Education providers both in the UK and abroad. I always invite delegates to feedback about their experience of my workshops and training days.


This feedback comes from delegates that have attended my workshops for the Independent Schools Of Scotland:


  • ‘Very well facilitated by an expert. Excellent day!’

  • ‘Warm up activities and games were great!’

  • ‘Miming and scenarios excellent.’

  • ‘Huge amount of material useful for virtually every age group.’

  • ‘Thank you so much for organising it – I’ve learnt more strategies for dealing with kids in rehearsal.’

  • ‘Also enjoyed forum on teacher advice.’

  • ‘Really useful course and a fun day.

  • ‘Realised the importance of valuing children and appreciating that they all have their own talents.’

  • ‘Lots to think about – lots of great practical advice. I value the thought processes this has provoked.’

  • ‘All very useful. I now have so many ideas!'

  • ‘Just a fantastic course!’ ‘Very well led by an excellent professional!’

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